Chaga-Boost Smoothie

Looking for a healthy and delicious way to start your day? Look no further than the Chaga-Boost Smoothie! This recipe incorporates the powerful chaga mushroom, which has been used for centuries for its numerous health benefits. By brewing the chaga mushroom and incorporating it into this smoothie, we’ve created a drink that is not only delicious but packed with nutrients. This smoothie is perfect for those looking to give their immune system a boost with a refreshing and nutritious drink.

Ingrédients :

  • 1 cup brewed chaga mushroom, cooled
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Instructions :

  1. Brew chaga mushroom in 1 cup of water and allow to cool.
  2. Add all ingredients into a blender.
  3. Mélanger jusqu'à l'obtention d'une texture lisse et crémeuse.
  4. Verser dans un verre et déguster !

Optional toppings:

  • Chopped nuts
  • Fresh berries
  • Granola

This Chaga-Boost Smoothie is not only delicious but also packs a punch of nutrients. By brewing the chaga mushroom, we’ve created a smoothie that is both refreshing and beneficial for your health. With the addition of mixed berries and Greek yogurt, this smoothie is the perfect way to start your day off on a healthy note while giving your immune system the boost it deserves!